Monday, 9 January 2012

So who is she.....

So I guess I wasn't allowed to keep a blog unchecked for long, cause my last one under the same name was removed :/
Although I do remember that my very first post had this title...
It was how it all started....
This absolute fantasy girl from my dreams, So so pretty....
I was destined to find her i was pretty sure my day will come when I find her and it won't only be in my dreams
Never the less i went on in my life posting daily about the dreams i had about this girl, and how I was certain i would see her.
Then it occured to me one day in one of my posts probably she was this combination of alll the speacial qualities i had seen in a girl and it was all compiled together and made this super woman of my dreams...
So beautiful,so amazing, charming, loving, that amazing amazing smile...
wow she was everything....
But i gave up hope, and thought i was a bit stupid for such thinking, and thought well atleast the blog posting was a good past time.
I left it for a long while, until this one day.. if only i remembered the date
I saw her, i mean I didn't know was it her? was my mind playing tricks on me?
I mean I found her in the most oddest of places, she probably wasn't her but well she matched (almost exactly) the girl in my head
WOAH! I was dumbfounded and never concentrated for that day, and dear go that post was pretty funny I think I broke the "shift" key that day, only after it was over i realised i could have used Caps lock :P
So where I found her,
I was in school (I still am, last year though)
[and for the record this happened in 2010]
So in my school ( back then) I was "Vice music captain", fascinating post it was indeed
anyhow, it meant i was in the school brass band, and i was, well one of the captains.
It was good and all blah blah, there we're posts of that without doubt, she was in it.
I had practice days on monday, wednesday and friday
One friday when the whole band is there, we have common practice
And Oh my God, bless my soul
I found her in the band.. who would have known...
But yes i did and she was there, not as I imagined but she was there, the way she stood in the light, it certainly was her.
Oh god, I swear i couldn't think straight then... screwed up while playing, couldn't talk properly... gosh it was something TheRJT has never felt :P
It surprised me, I was certainly in a state of mixed emotions..
She was my junior, and i wasn't sure if it was the best thing to do ?
i didn't want to screw up a band relationship
Band is family.Always.
Most of the posts went on like this.. how zapped I was at who resembled mystery girl, everything was so different, but yet i kept the same name of my blog, it was almost like i couldn't accept that she was the one..
besides at that point I was in this relationship that was supposed forever lasting (that sooooo worked :P NOT!) 
It was a whole new something, This girl who I knew but well, not well enough and besides, If i tell her this she'd probably flip or something, there we're these series of posts at that point whether to tell her or not, because by now i had already succeeded in making her my best friend ( cause lets face it she's stll the one that resembles her)
It was nearing the end of the year closing in on a school event ( music Competition)
I was asked to play for her, but well i was asked by alot of people ( im cool :D )
Anyhow, the big day came (day of music comp, sorry i was lame)...There was considerable amount of hints that she liked me, I was not even close to ready to tell her.
Music comp. passed, she sang like an angel...
but i had no idea what i had done, I screwed it up without even realising that she..well  "Unfriended" me :(
It hurt, unlike anything.
I asked her, she said it wasn't anything, at this point I stopped posting
I saw it as a closed chapter, something that I certainly screwed up....
I passed it by like nothing happened, until school opened again ( Music competition is always in december, and then the school closes for Christmas vacations)
I met her, by this time we spoke about the whole thing, i decided it still wasn't the time to tell her, besides she liked her class mate, who she had apparently like forever.
It seemed normal, she's a junior, she's bound to like someone her own age?
Loads of time passed... (Probably the reason why the blog was deleted :P )

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