Friday, 20 July 2012

Charlie and the chocolate factory

Oh! I don't want to go to college on saturdays :(
Its just not fair man how can they make us go to "college" on saturdays, its horrible.
Yesterday I met the great angel face chuchi pie, she hasn't been well for the last two days. She has some tests going on too, but somehow she got permission to go out with me yesterday for this play :)
Yes we watched Charlie and the chocolate factory together. It was a play put up by underprivilaged kids who are a part of this NGO named Ashwini.
It was absolutely brilliant, those kids were the cutest ever and as Akshu say's "She wants to eat them".
This girl has some serious issues, she's starting to want to eat small cute children these days, with CHOCOLATE SAUCE :O
Bad idea to take her for Charlie and the CHOCOLATE factory put up by SMALL, CUTE CHILDREN.
Anyhow, over all the play was very very nice, and each one of those tiny little kids acted their part so well. It was screened live and all on this site which one lady kept reading out to us, but I dont remember.
It was a good evening :) from almost doing fun stuff in the car to my driver almost breaking off the rear view mirror xD to almost getting lost, and finally the play.
Although Akshu baby left me and went off :P
Its al coool! 

Monday, 16 July 2012

3 months and 1 day

I'd rather not repeat the lack of time like I do always, I think you've understood by now.
Today is 17th of July and I am sitting on my.... ok it's not important, but this is a good place where I get time to post :P
Yes so, today is a day after celebrating three months of  Being crazy, falling for you, jar of hearts, being crazy again, lion king, sneaking in and out here and there and more importantly having you with me every step of the way :)
More than words more than actions and much than anything that I can do for you, what I feel and what we share is something that we may understand, to some extent, but can not be shown in a day (or over night ;) ) 

Sorry, that was just morning kinky :P
Well college has kicked off to its full and enthusiastic mode, leaving me with a 1001 and one assignments, which is my main excuse of not spending enough time here. But nevertheless I'm trying my best to do it all, don't get time see my angel these days. Firstly, because both college and my home are two extremes of the world. Secondly, these projects are owning my life. Thirdly, she's tooooooo cool.
*to be continued*