Monday, 28 May 2012


A mother-daughter relationship is most special of all relationships.
It's one the most complex one's for sure, but there just so many sides to it and at the same time so many ways to look at it.
In my own family I've seen the relationship between my sister and mother. At one point they seem like they're the  happiest people in the world, but at another, they're at each others throats.
A mother-daughter relationship is different. For sure it's the kind  where both parties completely understand each other to the fullest. It isn't possible in a husband-wife one (although all of them claim they know each other, if it was true when they argue they wouldn't bring up "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!", only because its true) But lets be honest, a fight between a mother and daughter arises the very same sentence, but this is merely a tactic in the arguement. Fights between mother-daughter is like some high level skilled game, thats the only reason it goes on forever.
In the case of of father-son, brother-brother, brother-sister, father-daughter. All special! but I speak on behalf of women, there are men in it xD
Sorry I don't mean to be a feminist, but the very fact that the women would agree with me, makes their relationship all the more special.
Which comes to another thing. Mother and daughter are in fight-its going on and on-in such fights there are no climax's- it just keeps going- suddenly- a man comes- try's to interfere- his motive is to make peace- what happens?- the arguement is women against man.
How can this not be special :P
But enough of the fighting part. There are so many times when they make golden memories with each other.
One of the most ideal and best mother daughter relationships ive seen, is Akshu and her mom.
First of all, her mom is awesome! Without doubt she is a role model of mine and inspires me in so many ways. For sure, she has passed this role model qualities on to her daughter.
Their relationship is the cutest and awe inspiring. It's a special bond which they share with each other and they know each other so perfectly well.
So in conclusion, Mother-Daughter relationship~ Most special relationship.
Akshu and her mom relationship~ Most special relationship in the world :) 

Saturday, 26 May 2012

When you have an ego, drop it? BOUNCE IT! UUGGGH!

Hello My blog!
I apologize that I cannot have alot of time for you. But I try my best.
So Akshu's started this job thing in her mom's office. Her mom's boss told her she can come and help out in the office for sometime everyday, at anytime. She's really excited about it, feeling all grown up and stuff. She even had her own office with a "AC :O and a table :O and a bathroom :O and a vase :P " that was almost exactly how she said it, she's so adorable when she gets excited.
So last night we went for this 'almost' concert thing. A friend of my dad is an artist and he has this newly put up gallery, so as part of promoting it in some ways more of my dads friends played. It was just three of them and they played all their original compositions. They we're very good ! Akshu thought so too :)
The title doesn't really have anything to do with the post as such, although it was one of the songs that the band played. It was their last song that they played and it was all audience participation types... So when they say "When you have an ego, drop it? bounce it." the whole crowd is supposed to make this ugly "UGH" kind of a sound which is heavy and a bit like you're about to take a shit, but apparently its supposed to resemble a bounce :P
It wasn't a very fancy or great evening and I apologise Akshu.
You stil love me no :) ? 

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Our Place

Whatte Night !!!!
And guess what!? . TODAY is RESULTS :O
Well honestly I'm not feeling any form of fear, which is actually more scary than the fact that I'm getting results today.
Akshu, on the other hand,  is SHITTING!...... Not like literally - She's really scared :P
But don't worry my love, all will be fine. You're a nerd after all.
But on a more lovey dovey note.
Since day before yesterday, Akshu and I have suddenly been having this "adventurous" feelings, because we feel like being together constantly...Out of no where! We decide to sneak into apartments :P
So it started a long time back when we were walking together in the rain in this neighbourhood and we find this really nice looking apartment, back at this point the reason was to find our perfect place for our..well... "perfect kiss" so we decided lets sneak into this apartment and go to the terrace, and while making this decision little did we know that we are talking under a camera xD
WE RAN!!!!!!!!
and just laughed and laughed.We like the neighbour hood so we decided to go back day before yesterday.
We just went to walk because there was this other pretty house that we're are both in love with. But we just passed it, like always, but imagine that it belonged to us or something.
But soon after that, while walking around we find this OTHER apartment which was pretty nice looking! (total environment, you cant go wrong)
So we decide lets go !!
So we get into the basement and make our way to the swimming pool which, incidently, was empty!
But no one was around, so we just took advantage of the situation :P
But then I knew the terrace of this building had to look awesome, so I told Akshu I'l go check out the scene and will be back momentarily.
So I go up and it was like WOW!! and I immediately ran down to tell her but as I ran down some caretaker  decides to go and sit at the entrance of the terrace :/
anyhow we leave after I go down and after some security comes and asks us which flat number and I say "401" cause I saw it ..... and he gives me this absolutely blank and dumb expression saying, you mean "302" ? xD
We were like, nevermind BYE!
So at this point we were still disappointed, cause well , we didn't go to the terrace and now I had to drop Akshu back to her friends place.
So we go to her friends apartment, and we see there's another apartment across and we look at each other like we know exactly what to do and start running towards it.
But we slow down at the gate of course, you know to act cool like we own the place. So no worries with that.. got past security!
We continue walking when we find these stairs leading to a floor, so we take it.
we end up on the second floor, so best thing to do is look for a lift and head to the last floor. Which we did.
But we had a few people with us in the lift :P
We reach the last floor where all the other's got off too, Akshu and I start our oscar perfomance, looking for this "friend" on this floor whose house we are looking for . But only till those people get into their houses then we just go back to mission impossible :P
So as of now we are on the 4th floor, and there's a black gate which has another flight of stairs after it.
We open the gate and climb the stairs which leads to a corridor which was dark, but at the side there was another staircase which lead to an opening in the ceiling. We go up the stairs and out into the open.
And there it was, like we were on top of the world, there was no one. It was just us and no one else.
like the world didn't matter.
It's our special place.
Just US .
Looking at the world.
P.S. - The picture is the view from our "place" 

Friday, 18 May 2012

Ring Ring..... helooooo :P

Well since the last time I posted, certainly ALOT has happened.
SO! First things first :)
16th of May was our first MONTH. We went to ants again, not knowing we went there last exactly a month back. (Actually only I didn't know, Akshu knew.She just knows everything :P)

She looked pretty as usual, that pretty dress of hers ! Sigh.
Since I had come back from Dubai I hadn't given her the stuff I bought for her so I thought I'd give it to her that day. She loved it :D
But more importantly I gave the ring! :)
Gosh! That ring! What it put me through...
Well first to start with, it was supposed to be given to her the day our Board Exams got over, well that day it didn't work out so I didn't, And that ring was a bit different so I thought I'd change it.
When I went back to change it, this MORON of a guy screwed it up :/

So I just left that ring. I was sad but it's ok.
I went to Dubai and saw this pretty silver one, so I put her name on it, and it was ready :D
I was so excited!!
When I reach the home where I was staying in dubai I'm sitting in the room where I used to sleep, admiring the ring. WHEN SUDDENLY!
My mother decides to walk in. I chuck the box somewhere and the ring swooped into my pocket. Then I couldn't find the box :/ .
SO much trouble from such a tiny ring!!
So I decided to tell my cousin about it, we couldn't find the box anywhere, so he decides to give me this purple plastic shit and stuff cotton in it :P
But all in all she liked it :)
That smile from her was the best present anyone could get :)
I Love You Akshu :* 

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Sneak Out. Make Out.

13th of May 2012, 2am
Was it a special place ? No.
Were we dressed in pretty clothes and looked so good for each other? (Akshu did) But LOL! no!
Was it what we imagined ? No.
But was it everything we hoped for ?
Beyond any feeling....It was OURS.
WE made it special.WE made it awesome.WE enjoyed every moment of it.WE didn't stop.WE didn't want to let go. WE had OUR very first :)
All this while with the whole suspense, with getting soooo close and not really doing it.. It was worth all that wait, we both knew that ultimately we only needed us and our feelings for to it to make it happen and for us to make it, well.... Special!
When I was away in Dubai, She asked me if whether we really needed to find a 'place' or whether it was the right thing to do to wait so long.
I think we both know now that it didn't matter where it was, but to wait till now ? Worth every second!
I would get carried away describing more and more, but it happens to be public :P 

But well the story behind it is as I promised well not funny, but at least it was adventurous :P
So we went for this play yesterday which was, for the record, quite nice. But the plan after was to go back to her friends' aunts place which was free and was only going to be the two of them.
Her friends' boyfriend couldn't come cause he was to go home and I was supposed to go.
But in the end I didn't go either,  and my Angel was sad.
"I will not stand SAD!" I say in my mighty voice :P
And I decide to sneak out of my house and run towards my first kiss! ( well drive actually, but close enough)
Although I didn't know that that was going to happen either :)
But it did, and it was certainly beyond any feeling to feel :)
I Love Tou :)
['Tou' is my new typo :/ ] 

"Even stronger than the precious sound your lips make during your first kiss, is the sound your heart makes at the same moment" - Unknown

Sunday, 6 May 2012

Happy Birthday Aunty !

Happy Birthday Vishalakshi aunty :D !!
(Akshu's Mom)
So today, the 6th of may, is my Akshu's muma's birthday :)
So we stayed up till 12 her time to wait and wish her mumma, I wished too!!!! :)
Although akshu was cranky after hoping that I could have been there.
I told her I'd be back sooooooon, but she insisted that I be there NOW!
So we imagined what it would be like if I was there :)
And I said I would have brought a cake at 12...then we would have wished her mumma and then I would have gone home, slept then come back at 12 in the afternoon to take her mumma and her for lunch :)
We would have gone to a nice nice place, ate LOOOOOTTTTSSSSS of food :)
then would have thought, "oh that was nice... now let go home" BUT THEN!!!!!
We see a movie theater, SOOOO!!!!
We go see some retarded movie where we just laugh lots lots lots...
then we think ok its time to go home NOW!
But then we see.................... Ice Cream!!!!
So we have lotsa yummmmy Ice cream :)
Then we actaully go home :)
But that was just in our imagination, although it would have been quite cool if it happened.
Maybe next time :)

Thursday, 3 May 2012

"...and I want to sleep with you in the desert tonight"

Oh gosh!!! I'm tired.... But I must post :)
Today was a fun day :) !!
I wen't for a desert safari, I've gone for it before... Nevertheless, SO FUN!
But before that, Akshu left for Ooty today, I hope she's having fun. I haven't got a chance to speak to her or text her. I MISS YOU AKSHU!
Okay, so the desert safari.
So brilliant, so it starts with these massive cars picking you up from your house, then we go to the outskirts, and it just feels like we are going for this long drive.. WHEN SUDDENLY!
This guy will swerve across the road into the sand :D then you know the madness starts :D
We go into the sand and start sliding all around. But we stop to remove air from the tires.
After we do..

What an experience! like this MAD roller coaster :D (I'l tell you more about it akshu ) 
This goes on for like 20mins then we stop for a 5 minute break to take pictures, then we go AGAIN :D
We continue till we reach the camel farm :) 

then we go to the camp site :)
At the camp site we get to go for a camel ride :D
and sand boarding and morrocan coffee drinking and sheesha pulling and falcon holding :D
after a while of all of this.
There's this started with the letter T......Oh I don't remember...
Then DINNER :) (I'm a hungry boy sorry :P )
She' was sooooo hot :D :O
Sorry Akshu :P
Ok not sooo hot :P better ? :)
I have much to tell you baby :*
I miss you. I love you.
As per bangalore time 6 days ! 

Tuesday, 1 May 2012


What a day :)
So so tiring!! but....good day :)
Akshu went for baitman without me :(
Whats Baitman ?
So, a couple of days before I came here, to this PLACE! We went shopping and I parked in the movie theater. When we came back she saw the advertisment board for the movie "Avengers", and she asks me all cutely, "whats that?"
And I'm like that's like the justice league, except it the heroes who have strength as thier prime power.
So she's like "Why's batman no there?"
And as I start to explain, instead of batman, I say "Baitman" :/
So after that the movie was no longer called "Avengers" it was officially renamed "baitman" by my baby :P
So we decided as soon as it releases we'll both go for it together.
She decides to go for it today, with her friends.
Issss ok Akshuuu :*
I'm not angry.
But, speaking of avengers...
I think my Akshu became off one today. She was complaining about her hatred towards male species.
I think she just wants to kill our race xD like the male part :P
buttttt....... apparently I'm not included :P
Such a cutie :*
8 days baby :)