It's one the most complex one's for sure, but there just so many sides to it and at the same time so many ways to look at it.
In my own family I've seen the relationship between my sister and mother. At one point they seem like they're the happiest people in the world, but at another, they're at each others throats.
A mother-daughter relationship is different. For sure it's the kind where both parties completely understand each other to the fullest. It isn't possible in a husband-wife one (although all of them claim they know each other, if it was true when they argue they wouldn't bring up "YOU DON'T KNOW ME!", only because its true) But lets be honest, a fight between a mother and daughter arises the very same sentence, but this is merely a tactic in the arguement. Fights between mother-daughter is like some high level skilled game, thats the only reason it goes on forever.
In the case of of father-son, brother-brother, brother-sister, father-daughter. All special! but I speak on behalf of women, there are men in it xD
Sorry I don't mean to be a feminist, but the very fact that the women would agree with me, makes their relationship all the more special.
Which comes to another thing. Mother and daughter are in fight-its going on and on-in such fights there are no climax's- it just keeps going- suddenly- a man comes- try's to interfere- his motive is to make peace- what happens?- the arguement is women against man.
How can this not be special :P
But enough of the fighting part. There are so many times when they make golden memories with each other.
One of the most ideal and best mother daughter relationships ive seen, is Akshu and her mom.
First of all, her mom is awesome! Without doubt she is a role model of mine and inspires me in so many ways. For sure, she has passed this role model qualities on to her daughter.
Their relationship is the cutest and awe inspiring. It's a special bond which they share with each other and they know each other so perfectly well.
So in conclusion, Mother-Daughter relationship~ Most special relationship.
Akshu and her mom relationship~ Most special relationship in the world :)