Monday, 30 April 2012


So I'm on this holiday...
The soul purpose for coming to dubai was to celebrate my cousins newly wed life.
Dubai has rules about getting married, if you're not a can't.
My cousin has being staying here for the last 13 years and last year on the 11of 11,2011 she decides to get married.
My LARGE and supportive family is excited and obviously assumes that we would all be there, but because of dubai and its rules, sadly that couldn't happen. SO! my cousin and her fiance decide to get married in seychelles, and it was decided that we have a reception in may when everyone has holidays and the large family can come down to celebrate the first cousin/niece's wedding.
That would be now! and the main reason why I'm here.
Because some people have problems in life and have their nose stuck in the air.... it's meant to FUCK up everyone else's life.
I apologize for not posting as promised yesterday, I was quite angry about this.
It seems that the reception has been called of... for now (is what they say).
I don't really care. I'm just angry, I miss my Akshu so much. I want to hit someone.
Family it seems.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

My Chuchi Pie

Oh dear! 
I really never ever get time, my apologies! 
But I think for the next 11 to 12 days I will be posting faithfully everyday :) 
Firstly because I'm so far away from my chuchi pie, had to come to this stupid dubai again.
But its ok I guess family and all... once in a while is fine.
I promised my Akshu it won't be so long..
I miss her so much already.
On the other hand she's in pretty kerala, going on sunset cruises and all with out me :( 
We'll go back Chuchi :* 
So today is the second day in Dubai, I didn't get a chance yesterday to post about it, so this is to make up for it.
Nothing much happened, we were just waiting for the full family. 
Akshu thinks I have a very BIG family, just cause there are 21 ppl staying in the same house, and this is not even the full family.....
Ok it's a little big :P 
But she has one too you know :P 
Yes chuchi pie is the new name :D 
Thanks to her mumma :) 

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Whole new beginning

So dreams can become reality :)
Who would've known !
But it was worth the wait to find out. It really has been long since I have posted, I was supposed to as soon as exams were over, but clearly that didn't work out.
Well since then lots & lots has happened, but lets keep this space for all the good stuff.
So, long story short since exams were done we met less, untill I went to Dubai.
The promise since then was that we are going to make "US" official as soon as I'm back :)
And that was the day before yesterday.
16th of april 2012 is OUR date, it marks the beginning of US.
I Love Her :)
And I don't really care what happens after this, but it was a decesion worth making, a wait worth waiting.
"It's fine by me, if you never leave
And we can live like this forever
If you never leave"