Monday, 12 March 2012

Love ?

Love is a very fascinating phenomenon.
It's interesting how we're all held up in believing that love is an emotion from the heart, which isn't true.
Its our mind that decides when we "fall in love" .
For example, there was once a girl who was shy, underconfident and an introvert. Finally one day she found a guy who she "fell in love" with, this guy was an extrovert, certainly not shy and brimming with confidence. So it was obvious that she saw in that man, that he had things which she lacked, and therefore decided in her head that he was the right person for her or in other words she "fell in love".
So, the emotion of love is triggered when your mind realises that someone is important to you because the persons assertiveness or ability to make you laugh is what could probably attract him or her.
Now, taking the first part. In aksh there are many things which I see she has that I don't, which is why my curiousity is high, as to how it is possible for her to do things which I can't. But, most important of it all, the very gist of this post.
I love how SHE feels about love, how it is such a magical enterprise. Me, on the other hand, feel that its a game of the mind mixed with media influence or movie watching (sorry hollywood).... which is boring and blah. Whereas, to have the ability to actually know how to approach love as a magical experince and possibly a fairytale requires a integral understanding, now she wouldn't know how she's doing this, for obvious reasons that its all her subconscious mind at work.,which again is something mine can't perceive (unfair) intead its held up with logic. So! concluding I can say- I have fallen in love with her :)

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Just an update

It's becoming a bit annoying these exams, keeping me away from her.
18 days till they are over, not that long, but still.... IT'S LONG :(
Well on the brighter side we get to text so that it's not so bad, texting isn't enough sometimes. On the night of the last post we spoke, poor thing was scared cause no one was at home ( no you're not lame aksh). She said she was less scared after we spoke :) 

heheh :)
Yesterday night we started on our fairytale, I'd probably post the whole thing once its done, but it would probably be the last post ever :P
The summer days are getting so hot! But its a good sign that its here :D
Yesterday was holi, festival of colours. With my friends festival of eggs!
Remind me to tell you the story of the most epic holi aksh :D
Sony :) 

Monday, 5 March 2012

Note to summer: PLEASE COME FAST!

Oh dear god I hate exams!!!
Well, 4 down and only 2 to go, but the next exam is only after 17 DAYS!!
My brain is so dry and mushed. All this studying is driving me insane.
On the other hand, while studying, I'm constantly thinking about summer.
Summer has always been the best time of the year :)
Spending it with her is only going to be a hundred times better :D :D
But the problem is I'm only thinking about that :P
Its been two weeks and four days since we've actually met, I mean there's exchanging of looks and hand waves before my exam starts (when her exam finishes only then I go in for mine) so other than that, its distant contact :(
I miss her so.
But I guess not to worry, summer is to look forward to :)
I promise to make it the best summer for her! 

Ninu Akshu :)